I really love this photo. I know when others look at it all they see is four girls dressed up for prom. However, this photo means so much more to me. At this time in life, all us girls were going through a really hard time. A time where there was a lot of lyric screaming, tear crying, and ranting. On this day, we all got it together (or attempted lol). We put on smiles and went to dance and tried to make our lives a little better. Looking back at this photo is bittersweet. It's a reminder of hard times but it's also a reminder of the fact that you can overcome those hard times, even when you feel like you never will. I'm so glad to no longer be in that part of my life and to be living my current life, happily living with my love in Hawaii! However, I don't think I could have ever made to this point with out the help of the girls in this photo and the freaking amazing girl who took it. I love you all so freaking much! prom dresses for girls