The Sanzienes (or the Dragons as they are known in certain areas of Muntenia) are perceived as a rule in the collective mentality of the people as positive characters, etheric and unimaginably beautiful beings who inhabit the forests and plains during the summer, Or on the ground. Some imagine them as young
, good fairies, slender bodies, semi-
, with long hair, splendid and
color. They catch their hand in a dizzying mountain, as if from another world.
ens are owners of magical powers. They invest the plants and especially the
that bear their name with magical properties, making them apt to help those who want their love. The sanctions are the ones that bring summer to the land, good luck, health and beautiful children to the married women, comfort and healing to the sick and suffering, protection against the anger of nature. All Sanziens cast the healing spell over the plants and weeds of the earth. Supernatural Beings, Sanziens also benefit from certain human qualities. Sanzens love to be loved. They upset and punish you if you do not love them. They can become as bad and hostile as Jules or Pentecost. If you do not respect the day or you do not know it properly, sanzienele, like the Ileles, can desfigure you or to become mute homecoming dresses for tall juniors