25 random facts about yourself that may surprise friends.
1. Do you make your bed? I do when getting
but not sure why.
2. The first car that was officially yours?
Light brown Ford Pinto named "Penelope Pinto" for when I began college after high school.
3. Three grocery items you don't run out of? 2% Fat milk, large grade AA eggs and dark roast coffee.
4. When did you start doing your own laundry?
College. Does this count my sister and I putting ourselves in
5. If you could, would you go to High School again?
I always felt like I missed out in being more involved and wondered what it could have been, but I'd have to ponder on that more nefore committing.... Ucenter Dress bohemian style wedding outfits
6. Can you parallel park in under three moves?
Yes, my father was a THOROUGH driving teacher
7. A job you had which people would be shocked to know you had?
Boat washer. JoAnne Wiltz too, and I know we agree it was our toughest boss ever (dad)
8. Do you think aliens are real?
It's a mighty big universe
9. Can you drive a stick?
Yes, see #6
10. TV show you watch?
No cable TV anymore, but just finished, Orange is the New Black on Netflix
11. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
12. If the world ends do you want to be one of the survivors?
Depends with whom I'd be left here with.
or Salty?
14. Do you enjoy soaking in a nice bath?
Yes, usually with epsom salts these days
Just noticed #15 is missing....
. Something people do, physically, that drives you crazy?
Face stuck to phone while walking, or worse, driving
17. Something you do, physically, that you are sure drives people insane?
I walk fast and often freak people out when I get very close to them
18. Do you have any birthmark?
19. Favorite childhood game?
20. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, and there is always a lot of swearing involved
21. Do you like doing jig-saw puzzles?
22. Would you go on a reality TV show?
I'd pass. I usually need a good amount of alone time
23. Tea or coffee?
24. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up?
Teacher, and have been fortunate enough to have been able to do it over the years in my jobs
25. No matter how much money you have or don't have, what are you an absolute snob about?
Quality of food I buy/consume
Copy and paste but change the answers first.